kids in nature
Activities Outdoor adventure

Easy Ways For Kids To Connect With Nature

Getting outside in the fresh air is one of the best things kids can do for their health. Movement is of course good for physical health, but the benefits of nature can also impact mental and emotional health. Electronics have taken over life in many ways, and it’s easy to find it’s nightfall and you […]

kid playing tennis
Activities Family activities

Learn 5 New Things This Summer

Learning is a crucial part of children’s development that shouldn’t stop just because school is out for the year. Learning can and should be a priority for kids (and adults) in the summer months too. Here are five new things to learn this summer to keep your brain engaged and growing.   1. Learn An […]

Activities Cooking

Step Up Your Campfire S’mores

Melted chocolate, gooey marshmallows and a sweet honey-flavored graham cracker crust that crumbles in your mouth as you eat it. Are you drooling yet? S’mores are the best part of summer camp, and there is no arguing with that. We’re here to help you try new s’mores recipes that you can enjoy with your family, […]

Campers Gift Guides

Happy Camper Live Gift Guide: Adventure Camper

Lions and tigers and bears, oh my! OK so not really, but some of our best picks for your Adventure camper are right here, right now.  From apparel, to games, to clean up and sleeping accommodations, these are sure to delight and make those kiddos ooh and ahh all night long.      Backyard Tents Who […]